Saturday, November 29, 2008

Single White Lady / Compared To?

Today I Learned

That the talkback mic in my recording studio may be broken. Oh well, I'll probably just yell at you through the double-ply glass.

Gotta Plug

The white girl performing with Beyonce. I think she hits it harder that the other two. Or maybe its just cause you don't really expect her to hang wid dem sistas. Hahaha. How the hell do girls dance in heels?

Compared to?

Speaking of which... what makes someone a good dancer? More than that, what makes someone a good artist? When you're impressed with someone's dance moves, guitar shredding, or mixing skills, it's inevitable for people, particularly artists (including myself) to ask, compared to whom?

Which really sucks, cause in doing so we really downplay the ability of the artist in question. Is that person a really good dancer cause he can be smooth like Shaun Evaristo, hit it hard like KJ Gonzales, or sexy like Harold Cabalic?

"That guy is really good at drums, but I know this dude who can play it better."

It's not fair, it's not fair. But I guess its the nature of this beast that is the entertainment industry. Dancer A will get a million hits on his YouTube post because everyone thinks he's hot shit, but Dancer B will become the object of ridicule cause he can't move as well. Even if a person had extreme passion for a certain craft, we're quick to pull out our scorecards and judge based on his/her technical ability, or lack thereof. "He looks good but his moves are sorta goofy." Compared to what?

Harold Cabalic
Interactivate, Inc -|-
San Diego, CA -|- From Online to Everywhere

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tine Machine / Things I Am Thankful For

Today I Learned

The price of my MacBook Pro has dropped about $300 since I bought it a few weeks ago. And I can't get a price adjustment. Sometimes I want to punch the UCSD Bookstore in the face.

Gotta Plug

Tine Machine from the Ladies of MAWU. This what-seems-to-be-sub-five-feet-of-funk girl can rock it like no other. Tsunami, eat your heart out. Jk, I still love you. But I think this chick has another weapon in her arsenal: waacking. I guess its like a vogue-ish, strut-your-stuff kinda thing. Could be perceived as too simple or showy or glamorous to some folks out here, but when done with conviction, its very sexy. LOVE IT.

Fun in the cypher: Waacking:
Things I Am Thankful For
  1. My family, who is there whenever I need them, but most importantly, they are there whenever I feel like I don't need them.
  2. My friends, near or far. No matter how much I would just like to be alone sometimes, I don't think I could ever really be happy without the people that I could confide in and share experiences with.
  3. A great 25th birthday celebration.
  4. Tina, for letting me spoon her.
  5. A valiant effort for me to not discover that there may have been some beer pong events at my house. The floor was and is still sticky, and there is some kinda dent in my wall from my studio monitor falling over.
  6. Having a job that I love, and working with people who are not only good, but who still know how to have a little bit of fun every once in a while.
  7. Food

On a side note, I'm considering changing this blog address to, just cause I think The Harold Way is getting lame. OCD.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Britney Gale / 25th in Vegas

Today I Learned

That the IHOP chicken fried steak is now twice the size as normal. So like, the size of your face.

Gotta Plug

My girl Britney Gale. We became friends sometime last year when she joined UrbanFX and still stay in touch today even though she has gone on to do much bigger things. Such an amazing dancer she is; it's hard to believe that she's been only doing hip hop for probably about the same time I've known her. But I guess that's how it goes when you put in the hard work, day in and day out. Can you believe, I even took jazz classes from her cause I wanted to get better. This is prob my fav clip of hers, and I was so surprised when I found out it was her choreography. YOU GO BRITNEY.

25th Birthday in Vegas

My motto for the weekend was "Fuck it, let's do it." And I think I just did. Gonna tone it down a bit until New Years because my body is definitely upset with my antics this weekend. Um, for example, by day two I wanted it to be over. Haha. Thanks to the bro and sis, and all my friends for making this truly one of my most memorable birthdays. And thank you for the text messages from the folks that couldn't make it, or the ones that I barely talk to. I would have texted you back but uh, I'm already 88 texts over my limit for the month. Haha. The goal for the weekend was 2500 photos but we never got close, but we finally broke the 1000 picture mark that I've always wanted to surpass. Rather than post all of them on my blog or MySpace, check them out on my Flickr page. Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

JD McElroy / Addict

Today I Learned

That pathology is not the study of paths.

Gotta Plug

These people. Thank you zoooo much Zam for this one. I've never heard of JD McElroy, but now he's officially the shit. This is probably one of the best choreographed house pieces I've seen. Well... maybe its just performed really well, because the moves look simple. The funny thing is that this is actually the real choreography for Chris Brown's "Forever". Yeah, it definitely goes better with this house beat:


Not much to say. I went to U-31 a total of four times in the past eight days. It's a great club, with a lovely variety of music. There's the staple of reggae Sunday nights, Cash Le Rok every-so-Thursday, then classic hip hop Saturday nights. Cover is only $5, drinks are cheap (although I did spend a pretty penny on Saturday night). Give it a chance people. There's a lot of quality places NOT in downtown San Diego, like on the outskirts. I really have nothing to say so I must direct you to my Flickr album. Welcome back Leo; Happy Bday Kasey, and one of the many nights at U-31.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Yuri Lane / Finally Part of the Gang

Today I Learned

That sales tax is supposed to increase by '1.5-cent'. Is that the same as 'percent'?

Gotta Plug

Yuri Lane. Nuff said.

Finally Part of the Gang

15" 2.4ghz MacBook Pro + AppleCare + New Printer

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cash Le Rok / The Joker

Today I Learned

How good it feels to vote.

Gotta Plug

Cash Le Rok. Armando (DJ Timeless) formed this group not too long ago (I think), but in my mind they're paving the way for a new(er) music scene in San Diego. Albeit, San Diego is still quite a conservative community, and its reflected in the kind of music that's spinned at almost all the clubs down here. Maybe if we all just opened our minds a little bit to see the true magic that these guys are making. C'mon. They're like the Barak Obama of SD. This music community needs CHANGE! They're playing tomorrow night at U-31 at 9pm ($5). It would be as if you didn't vote to not see these guys in action:

The Joker

Some of you may have fallen victim to the crazy Santa Ana weather, as your lips begin to blister and chap like never before. I am no exception. This dryness has taken a toll on my lips, particularly the region that connects the upper lip to the lower. Like when I try to eat, the skin splits and puts me in physical pain as I try to enjoy food. When I yawn, GAME OVER. Try holding your mouth shut when you hear something funny. NOT FUN.

I'd been preparing my lips for this important dentist appointment this morning (2 fillings), applying ointment every night to close the wound. Little did I know the physical damage that my lips were to endure in the 1 hr procedure. Stretching, pulling, pinching, rubbing, poking, you name it. My lips were so irritated and numb that I ended up looking like Heath Ledger himself (pre-mordem):

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tsunami / Harold Chigurh

Today I Learned

The general election was arranged to be on a Tuesday because back in the day, it took two days to arrive to the nearest polling place after celebrating the Sabbath.

Gotta Plug

Tsunami. When I was helping my bro move to the bay, we went to Club Something-or-Another, near Whatchamacallit. It was there that I first witnessed and realized the true awesomeness that was house, as it was purveyed by a few folks from this crew called "Flo-ology". Anyway, after obtaining some info from Brian (my brother) and a little diligent MySpace/YouTube rummaging, I stumbled across this video of Tsunami. I've probably told you about this girl a million times, but I just can't get enough of her or this YouTube clip:

Harold Chigurh

I love Halloween. I especially love having costumes that are unique and stand out among the rest. How many Michael Phelps did you see in the sea of costumes? How many Jabbawockeez won America's Best Dance Costume? Did the Sarah Palin's win your vote? I applaud your efforts, but better luck next year. In honor of the greatest villain in cinema history (yes, even greater than the Heath Ledger Joker himself), I present to you:
Harold Chigurh Bardem Cabalic
You either saw the movie and knew who I was, or didn't see the movie and thought I just looked like a butch lesbian. Haha. Vote tomorrow! I'm so excited!