Wednesday, November 12, 2008

JD McElroy / Addict

Today I Learned

That pathology is not the study of paths.

Gotta Plug

These people. Thank you zoooo much Zam for this one. I've never heard of JD McElroy, but now he's officially the shit. This is probably one of the best choreographed house pieces I've seen. Well... maybe its just performed really well, because the moves look simple. The funny thing is that this is actually the real choreography for Chris Brown's "Forever". Yeah, it definitely goes better with this house beat:


Not much to say. I went to U-31 a total of four times in the past eight days. It's a great club, with a lovely variety of music. There's the staple of reggae Sunday nights, Cash Le Rok every-so-Thursday, then classic hip hop Saturday nights. Cover is only $5, drinks are cheap (although I did spend a pretty penny on Saturday night). Give it a chance people. There's a lot of quality places NOT in downtown San Diego, like on the outskirts. I really have nothing to say so I must direct you to my Flickr album. Welcome back Leo; Happy Bday Kasey, and one of the many nights at U-31.

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