Today I Learned
CD Replication is process of molding exact copies of the master CD, while CD Duplication refers to merely burning copies of the master.
Gotta Plug
LAZER SWORD. It was not until my trip to Low End Theory in LA that I found out that there are people who can rock it just as hard as The Glitch Mob. LAZER SWORD is of this exact mold. By blending today's popular, rugged tunes with heavy, face-twisting production, LL and Lando Kal live up to the absurdity and electricity of their name. Click here to download their Blap to the Future MEGAMIX, currently on my iPod rotation. You'll need to sign up for an account that you can probably quickly forget about, but trust me, this mix is worth every bit of junk/spam mail.

January Report Card
So it's Feb 4, and according to my "Become a DJ in Four Months" schedule, I should have most of my songs selected and be well into the midsection of my debut mix.
Not exactly the case.
I've got only about 10-15 min of material that I want to use, but because of my diligence, I continue to morph my mix into something better each day, something that rocks harder than the day before. Of course I've been sifting through music like never before, a task that I had never enjoyed.
Not to mention, I've since adopted this new project to spread/share my love for this music with the rest of the San Diego community. Right now I'm just brainstorming for the perfect name and formulating my mission statement; for as we all know, Rome did not trade in their lutes for guitars in a day. I feel like the Barack Obama of music.
Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the great city of San Diego.
Harold Cabalic
Interactivate, Inc -|-
San Diego, CA -|- From Online to Everywhere
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